This book presents a collection of chapters covering research on the Litani River Basin. The Litani River basin occupies about a quarter of Lebanon's surface area, and it has recently been subject to severe conditions such as contamination and decreased discharge. This motivated the Lebanese government to take action and start working on the remediation of the river. These actions are also supported by international organizations including the World Bank.
1- About Authors:
- Amin M. Shaban is Research Director at the Remote Sensing Center of the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS). He has a master’s degree from the American University of Beirut, a PhD from Bordeaux University (France), and he completed a post-doctoral program at Boston University. Dr. Shaban specializes in the fields of hydrology, hydrogeology, and the use of satellite images in terrain analysis and water resources management. He has received several scientific awards such as the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research Distinguished Researchers Award for and the Award for Career Excellence in Scientific Research. He has written more than 50 publications in international journals and has contributed to more than 100 proceedings volumes and seminars worldwide.
- Mouïn Hamzé was Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the Lebanese University (1985 - 1997) and Chairman of the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (1990 - 1998). Since 1998, he has been Secretary General of the National Council for Scientific Research - Lebanon (CNRS-L) where he has focused on developing the Scholarship Program, the Grant Research Program and the Science Technology & Innovation Policy (STIP). He has also enhanced cooperation with numerous countries and organizations, culminating in the implementation of bi-lateral and multi-lateral projects and programs, including those with the EU (FP7, H2020, PRIMA). He has authored several books, reports and scientific papers, has chaired numerous international and regional meetings and symposia, and is actively involved in international organizations including CIHEAM, IAEA, ICARDA, CEDRE, ESCWA, the Technology Centre, AUF, and IOOC.
2- Table of content
3- Preface
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