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Prima calls 2020

Calls 2020


Extension of the Deadline for the Submission of PRIMA 2020 Calls

Reacting to the Covid-19 crisis, deadlines of PRIMA S1 and S2 calls are extended to give more time for applicants to prepare their proposals.

The new Deadlines are as follows:

Section 1 Calls: 6th of May 2020
Section 2 Calls: 13th May 2020



Section 1 Calls: EU Funding

Thematic area: Management of Water 2020
Topic 1.1.1-2020 (IA) Implementing sustainable, integrated management of water resources in the Mediterranean, under climate change conditions.

Thematic area: Farming System RIA 2020
Topic 1.2.1-2020 Genetic conservation and animal feeds.
Sub-topic A) Conservation and valorization of local Animal Genetic Resources (RIA)
Sub-topic B) Alternative animal feeds (IA)


Thematic area: Agro-Food value chain 2020
Topic 1.3.1-2020 (IA) Valorising the health benefits of the Traditional Mediterranean food products.

Thematic area: Nexus 2020
Topic 1.4.1 (IA) Demonstrating benefits of the Water-Ecosystem-Food Nexus approach in delivering optimal economic development, achieving high level of environmental protection and ensuring fair access to natural resources.

Section 2 Calls: National Funding – Lebanon (RIA Actions)

Thematic area: Water Management
Topic 2.1.1 (RIA) Low cost, lean solutions for enhancing irrigation efficiency of small-scale farms.

Thematic area: Farming Systems
Topic 2.2.1 (RIA) Re-design the agro-livelihood systems to ensure resilience.

Thematic area: Agro-food Chain
Topic 2.3.1 (RIA) New optimization models of the agro food supply chain system to fair price for consumers and reasonable profit share for farmers.

Useful Documents:
CNRS-L National Rules
Sample Commitment Letter *Word

PRIMA Website

Previous Call:
PRIMA Call – 2019